Poco Deli

Hello my lovely friends! I know! I'm sorry it's been awhile. But I am back!  I've been busy also writing but for now, hush hush with that project. you will know soon. Well, maybe.

Have you missed me?

Sure hope you do! I got lots of new and great things to share! So i hope you stay tuned. This entry however will be dedicated to Poco Deli.

its been awhile since I've been eating out or grabbing the occasional fast food that will possibly be the reason of my death. But it was so nice to eat out particularly this one as we weren't just having the occasionally Saturday eat out but it was the first sweldo (pay) of my sister Nez at her new job! So cheers Nez for another free meal!

We had a glance of Poco Deli a few weeks back when we had a bite at Charlies grind and grill, my sisters have heard of it from friends, all of them were good feed backs so we decided to venture out. The usual struggle in Kapitolyo (Pasig) and on a weekend was the Parking, the whole stretch was fully occupied so we had to go round in circles, but lucky us the car in front of the establishment left and we got the slot (plus points!) it's a fairly small sized establishment, with a wall of wine and  high rised planks for seating. I guess they were going for a rustic vibe, summers in a vineyard in Europe. I got the message. I would've liked it more if the place had more light. But I guess I should not complain we were seated comfortably.

We tried to get food that wasn't the norm. The place was known for their sausages, sadly, none of us were digging sausages. So let me run you through what we ate:

Cold Cuts Platter

 I thinks this is consisted of chorizo, prosciutto, sort of salami or peppered ham and olives. You cant go wrong with it especially with this plate with a clever touch of salad greens for garnish. However, though I find my meat in order and I couldn't get enough of that sweet tomato they had to serve me cold, chewy and hard and i think is stale bread. It totally put me off. I do hope this isn't the normal thing for their bread.

 Next came the Pesto. You had me with real pine nuts! Everything that's just straight forward, real is a winner to me. Also this dish.  Light, substantial, well seasoned. It was a great dish. Hopefully maintained.

The Truffle Oil Pasta wasn't a big deal. Truffle in the form of oil never sparked interest in me as you all should know Truffle Oil is a thousand miles different in taste from the bold Truffle mushroom. Those who have actually eaten a truffle will understand me on this one. Together with its seafood it just didn't tickle a fancy. I would have asked though for a better plating. If I'm gonna pay 350 for pasta i should have gotten better plates don't you think? I've had pasta for 150 and it looked more appealing than this! Sorry for the blunt delivery but its true!


The Stews

I do recommend you getting this Pork Stew as I loved every bit of it. Saucy and Soft Meat. You can even slab the hard stale bread from the cold cuts to get that bread edible!

However this Irish stew... The meat was great, melt in your mouth, a sign of proper stewing (or they couldve fooled me and pressure cooked the meat then stewed) but this could not shadow the taste. I could just see my Irish Chef cringing. Irish stew is definitely an acquired taste for it has a malty flavor, the result of reduced lager or beer. But I totally did not enjoy this one due to its Herb Bonanza! It was over seasoned with herbs. I couldn't tell if I was eating stewed beef or stewed herb de provence! Please, hopefully we just got a bad day. But I wasn't the only one cringing round the table. All of us didn't enjoy this dish. 

This Pizza Saved the day! Quatro Formaggio Pizza was the best! Someone who is knowledgeable in food knows that in a fancy restaurant, one should not order Pizza as its not worth paying for but this is! Great thin crust and the cheeses go oh so well with each other. I was so happy with this!

The Meal enders and my favorite part of a meal are desserts!

I must say theres room for improvement for their desserts. I loved the Chocolate Marshmallow fluff cake( sorry forgot the name) It was light, a good crumb on the cake.

The Cappuccino cake needs a lot of improvement as it does not live up to its name. When you think of cappuccino you think of a light, foamy beverage. But this cake gave not only a kick but also a punch. I think they need to rename it to an Espresso Cake. The cake was a bit dry and dense. 

The Marshmallow something cake

Cappuccino Cake

I give this restaurant 3 stars. Its been here for awhile so I guess I'm missing out on something. So I will be back to try their sausages and other desserts! With great company and great service I guess overall I enjoyed the wine and dine. You must allot around 500 pesos (around 12 dollars) per person. Dishes play around the 200-300 bracket. Try and visit and let me know what you think! Suggestions on what should I order next time?

Poco Deli

Address: 21 East Capitol Drive, Kapitolyo, Pasig City, 1603
Phone:(02) 477 4332

P.S. what do you want me to review next? Let me know!

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