Do Not Buy Doughnuts Anymore!


After I guess 2 weeks finally a new entry!
Sorry for my absence as i had a mild case of Dengue! Which i did not know having dengue has levels of severeness but I'm thankful i didn't need blood, i did though needed a dextrose as i was very dehydrated! and you know what the worst part was? I had literally no appetite at all! It was definitely a first for me! 4-5 days straight I wasn't enticed by food! I couldn't believe it myself! But enough about this story what matters is I'm alive and I'm back to my healthy appetite! So as promised, here is my doughnut recipe! This recipe is a mix of different doughnut recipes I got from the internet also from some books I've read while I was still in school, finally after some trials i got down the doughnut I like which is a copper brown outside and soft and white in the inside doughnut. Trust me, cooking doughnuts isn't that complicated! Once you get this recipe down you wont be buying doughnuts for 30++ pesos anymore! You can go all fancy but the doughnut flavors that are a hit at home are my black and white doughnuts which is dark chocolate and a sugar glaze. I made small doughnuts, requested by my sister, so i used a doughnut hole cutter and a straw (those straws you get when you buy pearl milk teas! haha) and it should look like this:
TADAAH! Freshly Iced and glazed Black and White Doughnuts!
If this doesn't get your mouth watering I don't know what will! always a best seller with my family! Once deep fried I have to call on them to not get it as sometimes they cant wait for the glazes and just scoff it all up! Yes! even my mum! Hahaha

So here it is! you will be needing:

Doughnut cutters (depending on what size you want go bonkers! I'm just using a standard one as big as a small plate! haha and for the doughnut hole 2 sizes smaller from the standard doughnut cutter)
Deep Stock pot for frying
Canola Oil
Thermometer (optional! you could do my technique i will tell you later!)

8g Instant Dry Yeast (those you buy at the groceries or baking shops)
35g Water, lukewarm
138ml Milk, scalded
48g Sugar, powdered
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1 egg
34g Shortening
240g All Purpose Flour

For the Chocolate glaze:
60g Dark Chocolate
20g Butter

For the Sugar Glaze:
30g Butter, Melted
130g Powdered Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
20g Milk

Alright first up, you have to Scald your milk, i do the McGuyver way and microwaving my milk, i microwave it for 1 minute then 15 seconds, open my microwave then put it in for 15 seconds again, just repeating the 5 seconds until you see bubbles you can take it out then let it completely cool.

Next is blooming your yeast, add the lukewarm water to your yeast, how to determine if the water wont kill your yeast? you have to be able to put a finger in the water for at least 10 seconds without feeling pain! hahaha its true! fool proof!

After 5-10 minutes your yeast should look like this:

Foamy. Also a good tip is put a pinch of sugar in the yeast and water mixture so the yeast can feed on it, giving you a more foamy  yeast. I just love doing this part as I'm amazed something like yeast thats in my fridge is actually something living!

If it doesn't foam up like this it means you've killed it maybe because your water is too hot, no worries just repeat it again with a new batch! you've only lost 8g of yeast! practice makes perfect!

 In a separate bowl, combine 100g of your flour, yeast, milk, sugar, shortening and egg. Mix it then add the remaining flour a little at a time till everything is incorporated! should look like this:
Kind of smooth dough and super sticky! that's just about right! NOW! You need patience! Cover the dough then let this double in size for an hour! Yes 60 whole minutes! No peeking! After an hour of patiently waiting or just watching 2 episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. (just love that show) voila!:

Doubled in size it will!

It looks like rice pudding don't yah think?

Now what you do is turn this dough on a flour surface and knead it a couple of times until you get a smooth dough

Kneading! Yes still sticky so generously flour the surface that your kneading it on!

Roll out your dough to 1/2 inch with a floured rolling pin.

then cut your doughnuts! Fun part! great if you ask help with the kids or non-cooking friends who want a go in helping you! it gives them great pride once they accomplish an easy task like this! also it gives them bragging rights! believe me! i have friends who do such! hahaha You can use any type of cutters if you're feeling fancy. Like a butterfly shape or i started out with heart shaped cutters as i had no other kind of cutters!
Doughnut Hole!
Take the doughnut hole out.

After Cutting all of them:
Love how cute the mini doughnuts came out!

This is a key note: Once you've cut them! Let them rest for 20-30 minutes they will rise again and become all chubby then you'll know they're ready for frying

With a thermometer they should fry in 350degF (180degC) or you can always test it with the doughnut scraps!
Scraps. Once they brown after a minute then you're good to go!

Fry both sides a minute each! till brown I like copper brown but if you want to go golden brown then just lessen the frying time!

going for the copper brown


Flip them with chopsticks! more effective then what I'm doing with tongs!

This is Golden brown!

Now for the glazes! Easy! For the chocolate glaze, just melt the chocolate and butter together BAM! chocolate glaze haha!
For the Sugar glaze add the powdered sugar to the melted butter. mix in the milk then the vanilla extract mix until smooth!

Just dip your doughnuts in and the final results should look like this!

Black and White Doughnuts in Mini and Standard Size!

Angel Choir Singing! Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh

A copper brown crust and a white core! perfect!!

Mini Doughnuts by request!

So I hope you'd enjoyed this detailed Doughnut recipe! Make them they are super super easy to make!
As I am making this blog I have just discovered out of 3 dozens of mini doughnuts all of them have vanished in a blink of an eye! Spoil your family with these, they'll love it!



  1. I love the part where you'll make the yeast foamy. I'm gonna try this at home.

    Question: What if what I want are those with fillings? Instead of glazed, I wanna put a jam inside.

    1. Hello! All you have to do is dont make holes in your doughnut! Still the same time in frying them and just poke a hole on any side of the doughnt right until the center and using a pastry bag or a ziplock (just cut one corner of a zip lock) fill it up with jam of choice then fill up your doughnut! :D


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