A Seriously Redundant Sandwich

Sunday's (last night) dinner felt so lifeless.

It couldn't compare to the Roast Beef and Potato Salad we had for brunch! So while everyone decided to have a spam and cheese sandwich I opted to go and whip myself a heart attack sandwich (one of my specialty sandwiches! Recipe to follow!) I checked the freezer yet we didnt have bacon, or beef! We had chicken, I checked the fridge for eggs, dingdingding! there were a lot of eggs, I took one, then just when I was about to close the fridge door, I saw the cheddar cheese and I felt so lucky! I knew exactly what i wanted to do!
Dinner for one? Challenge accepted!

The Seriously Redundant Sandwich
A cheddar cheese sandwich layered with a Pan-seared butterflied chicken breast seasoned with rosemary and cayenne then topped with an eggs benedict with a tweaked hollandaise sauce! (now thats a mouthful!)

You'll be needing:
3 Slices of whole wheat bread (english muffin or white bread will do too)
1 slice of cheddar cheese (from the singles pack)
1 med. sized chicken breast, butterflied
1/8 tsp rosemary (fresh or dried)
a pinch of cayenne pepper
salt to taste
canola oil and a knob of butter for frying

for the tweaked hollandaise sauce:
1 tsp vinegar
2 black whole peppercorns
1/4 tsp mustard
15g melted butter (you can clarify your butter but if in a hurry dont bother!)
salt to taste

Any kind of chips and maybe some salsa for the sides!

So you'll be doing a little bit of multi tasking here.
Boil 1 1/2 cups of water plus a pinch of salt and 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a stockpot.

while waiting for that to boil, make sure you've mise en placed everything!

still waiting for the water to boil, get a pan going and put in around 2 tbsps of canola oil and the knob of butter. season your chicken with the cayenne, rosemary and salt then pan sear til golden brown. that'll take maybe 2 minutes each side. Once cooked, set aside for assembling later.

Now this is the easy part. Toast your bread!
Once your bread is toasted on one slice lay the cheddar cheese then microwave it til the cheese melts. you can also warm it in a skillet if you want. whatever's convenient!

Now the water must be boiling now, turn your stove to medium heat til you get a simmering stage no hard roiling boils from the water. Place your egg in a small bowl then slowly pour the egg in the water. Once you've done this, cover the pot with a lid then turn the heat off then leave for 3-5 minutes. depending what kind of yolk you want, if you want the yolk to be firm leave it in for the full 5 minutes.

Now its time to make the not-so hollandaise sauce!
Brace yerselves! Its easy!
Now get another stockpot just the right size that you can put a mixing bowl on top of it,  pour half cup of water into the stockpot and let it boil.
In the mixing bowl put the vinegar and peppercorns  in  then put the bowl on top of a flame on your stove and let the vinegar totally evaporate then take out the peppercorns.
Put the mixing bowl on top of the boiling water, then add the egg yolk, whisk the egg yolk vigorously then add the butter gradually til you get a thick sauce, just a little thinner than mayonnaise. add the mustard and the pinch of salt whip until everything is blended and voila!

Okay so by this time you must have taken out the poached egg now. assembling time!
at the bottom is the melted cheddar cheese,add the second slice then the third slice add on top the chicken and the egg then drizzle generously or you can dollop if you want on top of the egg the hollandaise sauce!

Check out what I did, sorry for the blurry pictures but I'd bet you can do something more fancy than this!

My Sides were some nachos and a mild salsa! Delish!

I missed the old school garnish-with-parsley! Tadah! I did it! Hehe
Finding this recipe a bit hard? I'll try to make a blog soon about poaching eggs or eggs benedict in general!
But for now, practice makes perfect! Believe me, I made a lot of egg soups before i was able to make a poached egg! But once you learn how to make poached eggs they're so elegant for brunch or dinner!

So dinner is served!

Dessert was sublime as my sister was making cupcakes, I made her some marshmallow icing and voila!:
A delightful cupcake to end the night!

Dinner for one, boo yah! I enjoyed every moment of it! Have you had one of those moments where you didnt like dinner or lunch and you decided to make your own and turned out amazing? I just had one of those moments, hopefully more to come!

Did you get it why its redundant? chicken and eggs? no? just me? (face palm)


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