The Fudgy Brownie Bowl

Hello everyone!
First entry here... I've been thinking for nights now on what my first post should be. Last night (yes i am currently suffering from a bad insomnia, went to bed around 4am) whilst thinking i made one of my favorite comfort foods. and thats the Brownie Bowl. Then after eating the first bite i just realized, hey! This is it! The brownie bowl i shall blog!

The Brownie Bowl
Freshly Baked, yes, it does crack!

I've been making the brownie bowl since i was in college. When i was depressed, stressed, needed to satisfy my sweet tooth or a quick midnight snack. And the best part is, you don't need a hand mixer  to do this. everything manual! which would give you that Jamie Oliver feel. a great dessert also to entertain guests with or if you're chatting along with friends. So here it goes, the recipe calls for:

150g bittersweet chocolate (or a quick alternative is 12 dark hersheys kisses)
 55g unsalted butter
pinch of salt
1 egg
1 egg yolk
5 tablespoons muscovado sugar (can substitute with 4 tbsps brown sugar)
3 tablespoons all purpose flour
butter for greasing
cold cream for garnish
this yields 2-3 ramekins

Preheat oven to 350deg F

Grease 2-3 Ramekins (depending how big your ramekins are, if they're decently big like mine, it would be only 2 ramekins, but if you have the standard white ones, then 3)

in a heatproof bowl, add your chocolate and butter together with a pinch of salt. now there are two options to do this. the traditional culinary method is to double boiler it meaning boiling water in a stockpot then place the bowl of chocolate on top of it and melt or you could do the McGuyver method and Microwave it! haha it is tricky at first but once you get the hang of it, its amazingly easier. In the microwave place the heat proof bowl (no metals please!) inside and heat it for 20 seconds and after, try to mix it. then heat it for 15 seconds. then stir it again. do this until you get a liquid, shiny mixture. taste it! Its divine!!!

Now for the eggs. place the egg, egg yolk and sugar in a bowl and beat til frothy. It will kinda look like a cappuccino froth, if you get that consistency, and it kinda thickens then you're on the right track baby i was born this way! (yeah, i just had to break out in tune! haha) then while continue beating, add the chocolate mixture to the egg mixture, now you'll get a creamy looking batter. almost like unwhipped whipping cream. Then add the flour then place in ramekins. Fill the ramekins to the top leaving about half a thumb of space for it to rise a little.

Bake for about 12-18 minutes, place a toothpick in it and their should be some crumbs stuck to it that's when you'll know you can take it out. Voila! That's ready to serve!

The insides should be quite fudgy yet not breaking, like this:

Fudgy and holding its structure

You can garnish this with some cold heavy cream or with more melted chocolate. i would usually save about 10ml of the melted chocolate and butter and i would put a dollop on top of it then the cold cream! Cray cray delish!

And thats my fudgy brownie bowl. It never fails to make me smile and devour the whole thing! Want to make it extra special? and with a feel as if you're eating out? then add a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top! Ala mode style!

Hope you'd enjoy this recipe. let me know if it is a success! Send a photo of it! Share your comments! And hope to hear from you! from a passionate cook to another! Cheerio for now!


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