Your Pie Face Tastes Familiar

September 21, 2015

Photo c/o Pie Face Philippines

 Apologies, for the poor executed food-tv reference jokes on a tuesday morning!

A couple of weeks ago I got an email of an aussie food chain opening at Eastwood. I did not decline the opportunity as it involved coffee and pies. COFFEE AND PIES just the right ring to my hunger!

I felt hesitant going in and these are my reasons why I dont usually say yes to invites like these.

First, I dont like the feeling of being obliged to blog something that I didnt enjoy. Its the "free food"that will make you feel guilty if you did not enjoy it.

Second is I hardly know a lot of bloggers who comes to these events. Its not like we are a small community that its all the same faces, every event is always new people, new bloggers or veterans i have never heard before. Good for us whove been writing for sometime, not good for the anti-social me nowadays, small talk is something I have fallen out to be good at.

Third and last is I feel so left out with the times (see this sentence alone makes me feel that I'm as old as I dont know what facebook is!) These bloggers with their big and bulky SLR's, their edgy fashion and eccentric dyed hair, and there I was clicking with my mobile phone and in ripped jeans and a "pambahay'' tshirt.

 But I still managed to get myself in there, and from then on I enjoyed every minute of it,
The organizers of the launch was so kind to accommodate me, instructing that I could order anything I fancied basically heaven! Then shortly I was introduced to Mr. Alfred Lay, COO of Pie Face Philippines which was a shocker! Never in a billion bloggers events have I got to meet people up there so I got on and asked every silly question I could.

The chap was so nice to talk to, and he answered everything I could possibly ask regarding Pie Face and even recommended some movies and shows to binge watch (Thank you!), all laughs and smiles throughout the event so I got my grub on!

 Of course I had a Cafe Mocha and A Chicken Pie. It was the first thing that went into my head that when I got the invite it said coffee and pies!
To my surprise I did not regret, I finished every last bit of the two!

The coffee was just right, as I was talking to Mr. Alfred, the coffee is being roasted by the top roasters in Australia Di Bella and you could really taste the difference. We are a country who's loved their bitter and strong bitter coffee. I however who is still hungover from Europe, love the mild and gentle taste of the European coffee, and this coffee did resemble it. Smooth, graceful and just enough kick to get you through the day!

"You will taste the exact same pie you would get in Australia" As Mr. Alfred Lay told me before I dove in my chicken pie. All ingredients are sourced locally and abroad to get the same taste, standardization I guess and consistency of all products is a must if you are going global!

The shortcrust bottom layer (no soggy bottoms here!) and the flaky pastry top layer is something to be thankful for! encasing more filling with harder shell but giving you a light texture and crisp on top is simply scrumptious! Thank you Australia, thank you Pie Face. All of my Pie woes have been mended, I am a pie convert!

I also tried the Chunky Steak Pie and the Minced Steak one, all were delicately fulfilling and delicious!

They also had sweet pies, I enjoyed the Oreo  Pie and the Lemon Pie.
Photo c/o Pie Face Philippines

Pies, breads, sandwiches, brownies, muffins, coffee! Everything you fancy in one store! I could go on and on about this but I'd let you be the judge.

I truly enjoyed Pie Face and definitely will be back for more!

If the food wont get you there, just listen to this.. ITS 24 HOURS! So theres not really an excuse for you not to visit!

And heres another reason why you dont have an excuse to visit!
Foodful Glory's anniversary is not til next month, but a gift for y'all just came early!
#PFxFGGiveaway #FGTurns3 

I'm giving away 3(three)  300php worth of GC's from Pie Face! 
Here's how to join:

First let me read your Best Pie Pun , leave it on the comments below.

Second, use the hashtag #PFxFGGiveaway #PieFacePH #FGTurns3 (post it with your comment or on instagram and facebook) you could also post your Pie Pun on your profile as long as you have the hashtags and I'd be able to view it!

Last is you have to like Foodful Glory's Facebook Page and Pie Face Philippines Facebook Page  to qualify. Also, which is very important, I can only choose people from Metro Manila, it makes sense, Pie Face's stores are in the Metro..

The contest will end on September 30,2015. I'll announce the winners on October 1, 2015.
So let those creative juices get flowing and let the best PIE PUN WIN!

Pie Face is located at:
Technoplaza 2, Eastwood Avenue, Pasig, Philippines


  1. Hi franz, how are you? this is steve, the one you met in blogapalooza. Added you on my list!, check it out here:

    1. hey steve! naks thanks so much! hope to bump into you again at more blog events!


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