The Not-So iFoodography: Sorta, Kinda Europe Chapter!

September 04, 2015

Hello! Ciao! Bonjour! Hallo!

Hope that everyone is doing alright!

As the European summer is drawing to an end, I am, unfortunately, back to the hot and humid, polluted, 3rd world country I call home.It has its pros you know, I can finally eat a whole satisfying delicious meal under 1 euro! Beat that Europe! But I am officially experiencing the holiday blues.

It was a month of unpredictable weather, from mid day windy and chilly breezes, spits of rain then all of a sudden a scorching sun roasting me away, 30 percent chances on the weather app has taught me that thirty percent chance of it happening means it will happen!
1 large mountaineering bag, 2 pairs of shoes, 1 cardi and an abundance of "nothing to wear"clothing I have packed, clearly states I am not the best traveler in the world!

Though I know for a fact when in Europe, back packs kicks trolley luggage's asses by half a mile! the convenience is luxury!

The itinerary was England-Amsterdam-Brussels-Paris-Zurich-Florence and Rome.. 2 weeks in England and 2 weeks in the euro zone. So I have never seen my feet swell up to the point that it had grown 2 inches bigger til then. Hence, my closed shoes were tucked away with the airbed I brought just incase I needed to camp out at an attraction that had ridiculously long queues, I was fortunate not to do so. I simply just passed and decided to have a pint and enjoy the time I had!

Trainers, sneakers, rubber shoes, however you call it will be your friend! And possibly every generous free wifi cafe to help you google maps the metro stations you need to get off for a specific tourist attraction. Thank you Amsterdam for being a wifi city, that alone you are right on the top of my favourite European countries!

So wont drag this on, here are some photos from my Europe excursion, hope you guys find it amusing or inspirational to visit as it gave me so much inspiration in life I just cant put it to words!

England will always be my second home, and I love it more than ever! The crisps, the chocolates the scraps from the fish and chips shop! ahhh and of course the Full Cream Milk! That bottle of fresh milk on your front doorstep just waiting for you to pick it up. You lift the foil up and see the fat settling on the top and have a sip. Simple joys I tell yah, Simple joys.

Weekend Market at Bridgnorth's High Town

Tea time at the Sunshine Bakery at Moortown, Leeds

A must visit in Euston, London. Double Six cafe for a full on English Breakfast!

Local Sweet shop in Stratford! Hardly see any of these in the Philippines!

of course I had a whippie!

Never leave England without having an english eclair! It would be a crime!

pralines at the apley farm

Pavlova at the Borough Market

Half a pint at the Severn Valley Steam Train Station

I remember loving to see these kind of biscuits in the local bakeries, Still tastes the same as I remember!

Steak straight from the Butchers

A great dinner prepared by my brother in law! everything was fresh and delicious!

Amsterdam was one of my favorites. The vibe, the people, the public transportation.the free wifi everything was amazing! I sure knew what they'd put in my coffee and all I can say is, hit me up with another one! Definitely a place I want to visit again!

everything looked good! 

and of course everything tasted good!
De Bekeerde Suster offered Beer Sampling Menus, But their home brew was quite a winner for me on its own!

roaming the city with this beauty!

Just prepping my palette for belgium!

Clearly my food money went to beer and pastries! No regrets!

not much to say, the metro couldve smelled more pleasant but the waffles and chocolates.. CHOCOLATES! WAFFLES! *homer drool

who knew waffles could be on steroids! Only in my wildest dreams!!

Brussel Waffle and Liege Waffle with yessss DARK BELGIAN CHOCOLATE!!

Chocolates from neuhaus

Paris is a stunning country but I think it wouldve been better if I knew how to speak french. Despite the language barrier, the food was delicious! 

The mothership! Every bakers HQ!

Steak and frites was gooood

Sat down outside the louvre and gently soothed my swollen feet savoring the view!

Zurich is also on my top as people were nice, spoke english and everyone looked so gorgeous and tall! The cons though, its freaking expensive! Fast food costs 15 euros?? I'll be back Zurich, when I'm filthy rich! Even the magnets were expensive! Blimey!! All it needed was the smell of money since everyone their said Switzerland is the land of money! 

I shouldve started that hashtag Pint with a view! Again another nice brew!

Sad photo of these delicious chocolates! Wish i had more of them!

Local Chocolate from the supermarket Migros! Not bad i must say!

Zurich, you are beautiful! I'll be back!

Italy is far most my favorite country in the whole wide world! And Florence will always have that special place in my heart and my belly. I loved Italy so much that i thought it was just a myth that it can awaken inspiration. But Italy did it for me! Cliche as it may sound, but Italy awakened my passion for food, my love for flavour, my genuine hunger and my love for wine! I love you Firenze,you have moved mountains for me! And for that I am forever grateful!

Pizza Margerhita from Mercato Centrale

Santa Maria Del Fiore at Piazza il Duomo

Best Canoli in Florence! Near the Art la Accademia

This was just one of the many gelato's I had in Italy!

enjoying a chianti with some bread and legit extra virgin olive oil that tastes like olives! and balsamic vinegar!

This Bistecca Florentina is a must in Firenze! Massive and delizioso!!

Gnocchi with Gorgonzola and Tartufo

always drink your coffee at the bar! It''ll save you a couple of cents plus you dont look like a tourist!

when in Rome! this is the place you must visit and eat and be merry!

I cannot describe how amazing this was but I loved everything on it. It was heaven on a plank of wood!

Walking around Trevi fountain, theres always an excuse to have gelato!

Simple but bursting with flavor dishes! The simple stuff made beautifully is the best things we rarely appreciate.

A month went by so fast! One of the best experiences of my life! There were a lot more food than on this post to be honest, I just didnt have the discipline to click everything! I think it''ll be best if you give it a try, find a hole in the wall restaurant, try something different, appreciate whats in front of you and savor everything, I sure did and found happiness. And the best part was my family was complete! From sister 1 to sister 5, to nephew and niece, to the in laws, to the mothership: all present! Now thats one for the books! Hope you guys enjoyed this post! I enjoyed writing it for you guys and thinking of all the happy memories I'll cherish for a lifetime! 

Live, laugh and eat!


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