A Productive Week!

Well, this week has been very productive!

Always out and about making myself useful in the world and trying to have a normal life!

But anyways as I have no recipe to add to this week, let me share some foods you might love as much as I do!

Took a class earlier in the week at Heny Sison!
Look at these macaroons! Fabulous!
And my not so fabulous attempt!

An attempt again! But getting better I must say!!

Its a macaron addiction!

My Mum's attempt in making flan! Not so bad even if it was a bit overcooked! hehe

Something savory for your palettes I must giveaway. This duo is my mums specialty even I cant replicate!

Kare-Kare and Adobo

More food to come I must say! Sorry for this blog, its not informative at all but I hope you enjoyed the food, I sure did! Once I've perfected Macarons I promise to make a blog about them! And I will consult with friends who are expert in these very posh tea treats.

How was your week?


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